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Fit to Print

Over the past two years Brad Gebhard, CEO of Propét, has set a blistering pace for improvement that spans all facets of the organization. The goal: becoming a much fitter company.

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Tony Adams, president of Hälsa Footwear

Proud Parent

Tony Adams, president of Hälsa Footwear, is beaming about the potential his four-year-old comfort fashion startup shows.

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David Ben Zikry, CEO and cofounder of Spring Footwear Corporation


Facing rocket attacks while working from a bomb shelter, David Ben Zikry, CEO and cofounder of Spring Footwear Corporation, discusses how the company is pressing forward during unprecedented times.

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Kitty Bolinger, newly named president of Dansko

Right On

Kitty Bolinger, newly named president of Dansko, is steering the company in all the right directions.

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Rusty Hall, president and CEO of Mephisto USA


Rusty Hall, president and CEO of Mephisto USA, on how a Golden Rule approach to brand management is lighting the way for the premium comfort market leader.

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The July 2024 Issue

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