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The September 2012 Issue of Footwear Plus


Twist of Fate

Doug Vesling, president of C-Merit Corporation, makers of Gotta Flurt, Evos and Nord Trail, discusses how proven formulas, along with a few creative twists, are a recipe for success. By Greg Dutter

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September 2012

On the Road Again

The trade show round-up: key trends, traffic reports and juicy topics coming out of FN Platform, FFANY, Outdoor Retailer and The Atlanta Shoe Market among others.

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Editor's Note

Get a Hold of Your Senses

Recently I was hoofing it across Manhattan’s 8th Street to get my customary “trade show” haircut when it struck me how this retail strip has changed. This east-west street that traverses Greenwich Village used to be lined with numerous independent shoe stores. The smell of leather would waft outside, triggering a Pavlov dog-like response that enticed shoppers into stores where they could then rub the rich leathers between their fingers while a salesperson serviced any requests.

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Pop-up Culture

Temporary shops turn empty spaces into quick sales centers and build long-lasting brand awareness. By Lyndsay McGregor

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