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Editor’s Note

Groundhog Daze

It seems like the world is stuck. Entrenched. Frozen in fear, partisanship, anger, war, frustration, hate, high interest rates, stubborn inflation, distrust, and a host

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Cabin Fever

Critters, carpenter ants, powder post beetles, rot, mold, power washing, jacking the camp up in order to level it…I’ve become very familiar with the many

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Milestones Matter

Milestones come in many forms. They can be personal—a big birthday, a weight loss goal, or, in my case, a cycling season’s total mileage, part

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Do the Evolution

History is rife with examples of failure to evolve, leading to irrelevance or, worse, extinction. Two notable ones that come to mind, thanks to two

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The First Noelle

It is with great pleasure that I formally introduce our new publisher, Noelle Heffernan. While she is relatively new to our industry—having first dipped her

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Better Days

It feels good to feel better again, as it’s been a long, rainy, and depressing summer. It kicked off with a devastatingly sad start in

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The July 2024 Issue

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