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Pedestrian Shops and Patagonia team up for Earth Day.

Earth Day is just around the corner (April 22) and to celebrate, Pedestrian Shops in Boulder, CO, has filled its windows with a colorful display of flowers and vegetables designed with help from – and to raise awareness for – local non-profit Growing Gardens. The store will also host a shoe drive in collaboration with Patagonia Footwear.

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What do Taylor Swift and Crocs have in common?

George Boedecker, one of the three founders of Crocs, was busted for a DUI over the weekend when police found him passed out in his Porsche in Boulder, CO. The 51-year-old initially tried to blame his intoxicated state on singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, who he claimed was his girlfriend, and proceeeded to label as “batsh*t crazy.” (Swift is currently dating Conor Kennedy.) As if that wasn’t bad enough, Boedecker wasn’t even wearing Crocs at the time.

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The July 2024 Issue

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