The Atlanta Shoe Market

Atlanta Shoe Market weathers the storm.

A state of emergency had been declared. No flights in or out. Highways clogged with abandoned vehicles. Sounds like an episode of The Walking Dead, right? But it was the stark reality leading up to last week’s Atlanta Shoe Market, the semi-annual show which was celebrating its 70th anniversary. But as paralyzed as Atlanta was by the forbidding ice storm, the turnout was testimony to the grit of the people scheduled to attend.

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Sold-Out Atlanta Shoe Market Bigger than Ever

As other industry tradeshows make format adjustments and shift dates in attempt to retain exhibitors and hold onto attendees, The Atlanta Shoe Market (TASM) continues to build on its strong growth of recent years by staying true to its principles and practices: convenient, affordable and housed under one roof . The TASM’s 2010 Fall Market edition, scheduled for Feb. 19-21 at Atlanta’s Cobb Galleria Center in the Renaissance Waverly Hotel, is sold out—again.

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Off Broadway Shoes, Two Ten Raise $100K for Scholarship Program

Fundraising records were broken and surely a golf ball or two went missing at the culmination of the 4th annual Off Broadway Atlanta Golf Tournament in support of the Two Ten Footwear Foundation. More than 150 shoepeople were on hand, raising more than $100,000 for Two Ten’s Scholarship Program, which provides financial assistance to students at colleges and universities across the country.

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The February 2025 Issue

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