Trendsday Wednesdays: Ladies and Gentlemen

Trendsday Wednesdays: Ladies and Gentlemen </scrip

Trendsday Wednesdays: Ladies and Gentlemen

Footwear Plus Magazine Trendsday Wednesdays - Sponsored by FFANY
Ladies and Gentlemen

Breaking tradition, Spring ’12 lace-ups sport rich color with burnished and distressed treatments.

From top: Women's wingtips by Frye and J Shoes; men's Wolverine 1883 oxford and lace-up by Caterpillar.

From top: Women’s wingtips by Frye and J Shoes; men’s Wolverine 1883 oxford and lace-up by Caterpillar.

Cover More Ground at FFANY - Nov 30 through Dec 2 2011 New York - ...And Don't Miss February 1, 2, 3 - FFANY.ORG
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