Prom Preperations

Nina Shoes donates prom footwear to 10 deserving young women.

Prom is a right of passage for highScreen Shot 2016-05-20 at 1.04.29 PM school girls, one that is only complete with the perfect dress—and shoes. Nina Shoes (along with Coco’s Chateau dresses) donated evening styles to Pitcch In Foundation’s annual prom event. On Sunday May 15, the event gave 10 deserving young ladies from the Woman’s Academy of Excellence the star treatment while they shopped for prom dresses, shoes and accessories.

Miss New Jersey USA Jessielyn Palumbo and Celebrity Hair Stylist Ursula Stephen were also on hand with host Amber Sabathia to help style the girls’ final prom looks. Each young lady left with a new prom dress and accessories free of charge.

Screen Shot 2016-05-20 at 1.04.57 PMEach of the girls from the all-girls public high school in the Bronx were selected by their principal to participate in the event for showing great improvement and leadership in the school community. The goal for the event was to create a memorable experience that will continue to motivate the girls to do well in school and give back to the community.

The February 2025 Issue

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