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No Business Like Shoe Business

New online portal aims to become the industry’s go-to resource for job seekers.

Looking for a job? Two Ten Footwear Foundation has partnered with the Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America (FDRA) to create the most comprehensive, online career marketplace available to footwear professionals. Even better, there’s a charitable twist: Revenue generated from the new Footwear Careers Marketplace website ( will support a new fund created by Two Ten, specifically to help industry workers who find themselves in between jobs and in need of financial support.

The collaboration, launched earlier this week, was conceived by the two organizations’ presidents who agree that recruiting, building and retaining talent is a key issue for the footwear industry. By creating a single-stop career resource for professionals seeking a new role, and employers looking to fill open positions, the industry will be better positioned to nurture its own talent. Including careers from entry level to senior executive, the marketplace will be an invaluable tool for job seekers entering the footwear business.

“We’re thrilled to be part of this new venture and believe the more our industry works together, the more we will thrive,” offers FDRA President Matt Priest. “The Footwear Careers Marketplace will serve our entire industry well on many levels and ensure those looking for work in the footwear industry will be connected with companies in search of new talent. We’re encouraging all FDRA members to take advantage of this exciting new tool.”

The July 2024 Issue

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