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Naot Aids Children of Syrian Refugees

Despite the fact that Israel and Syria have technically been at war since 1948, Naot’s factory (based in Israel) found a way to temporarily put aside those differences to help the children of Syrian refugees. The company donated 2,000 pairs of shoes—a value of $67,888.
Naot teamed with Israeli Flying Aid, a humanitarian organization that provides life-saving assistance in disaster-stricken areas and conflict zones. For the past seven years, the organization has gone undercover in Syria to provide medical supplies, food and basic needs like shoes to refugees.
According to a company release, the decision to donate the shoes to children who’ve been hurt during the Syrian civil war—some of whom have no surviving relatives—is a humanitarian action. The hope is that this small gesture will lead to good neighborly relations in the future.

The July 2024 Issue

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