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California Dreaming

Chinese Laundry commissions a typography artists to paint an installation at its LA headquarters.

Culver City, CA, is famous for its beautiful instillation walls highlighting the work of local artists. LA–based footwear brand Chinese Laundry is adding to that fame, recently commissioning international typography artist Ricardo Gonzalez (@ItsALiving), to paint a three-story by 78-foot-wide installation wall at its LA headquarters,  located in the heart Culver City. Gonzalez joins the ranks of his peers (fellow street artists such as Jen Stark, Kurtis Culig, Bird O, Donald Robertson and Jason Woodsid) by leaving his own mark on the city with this “California Dreaming’” mural, inspired by the new look, feel and voice of Chinese Laundry, which recently underwent a total rebrand. 

The July 2024 Issue

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