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The grim toll: millions of missing socks over the millennia without a trace. Washing machines the world over accused of being like black holes, swallowing single socks and leaving frustrated humans with no recourse—until now!
Performance socks maker Bridgedale has developed a solution to this age-old problem via its patented “Polarity Fusion” technology that features opposite and equal unique magnetic yarns. By changing the direction of the twist of the yarn during the fusion process, the polarity of copper impregnated yarn is changed. A “Z” twist on the fibers gives the resultant yarn a positive polarity, and an “S” twist gives the yarn a negative polarity. Simply throw all your socks in the wash together (30 degree eco cycle) and during the drying process, the heat activates the magnetic yarns and the matching pairs are drawn together and finish the wash as a pairs. 
This is a very exciting “world first” technical breakthrough has taken Bridgedale eight years to perfect, according to Mark Brennan, managing director. He adds that the company is planning significant investments in its Newtownards factory to enable it to take advantage of the expected worldwide demand for Merino Mag + sock collection. SRP TBD.

The July 2024 Issue

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