Footwear Cares

Footwear Plus is a proud sponsor of Footwear Cares.

About Footwear Cares®

Our Industry’s Year-Round, Nation-Wide Community Service Movement

Our vision for Footwear Cares® is to actively engage our entire workforce, as an inspiring and widely-recognized national model of philanthropy and corporate social responsibility unlike any other in America.

We are turning what was once a month-long volunteer initiative in April, into a year-long celebration of all the good that is being done by the footwear industry to continually improve the lives of people in their communities.  Our goal at Two Ten Footwear Foundation is to capture all of our collective efforts as one industry by highlighting the best of what we are all doing now.

Footwear Cares® is the U.S. Footwear Industry’s Nation-Wide Community Service Movement.

Since 2013, Two Ten Footwear Foundation has engaged more than 15,000 shoepeople from footwear companies across the country to help disadvantaged children and their families in the communities where we live and work. With 1 in 5 children in the U.S. currently living in poverty and food insecure, our collective work to impact this vulnerable population is needed more than ever.

Over the next few years, our goal is to help build a stronger and deeper culture of volunteerism and commitment to community service, that excites and engages your organization and improves the lives of disadvantaged children and their families.

Our industry’s call to action is Footwear Cares®.

To learn more about Two Ten Footwear Foundation, click here.

To learn more about Footwear Cares®, click here to visit, or click here to view Footwear Cares group events.

Upcoming Events

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