The OctoberNovember 2013 Issue of Footwear Plus

Enlist in Style
Camouflage prints are out in force in the City of Light. Photography by Melodie Jeng

Color Run
A lively spring palette kicks men’s sneakers out of neutral. From top left: Ecco, Ccilu, Sperry Top-Sider, Pajar, Ferracini 24th, Think!, Born, Alegria, Rockport, Keen.

In The Details
Glen Barad, president of Taos, on how paying heed to all the little aspects are adding up into a rapidly growing success story.
by Greg Dutter

Red Alert
In wake of the Nairobi terrorist attack, U.S. malls and retailers are stepping up security. Here are some strategies on how to help prevent an attack or react in the event of one.
By Lyndsay McGregor

Dream Big
Industry icon Michel Meynard, founder of Meynard Designs and Earth Inc., leaves behind a career legacy full of firsts in the fields of design, sourcing and branding.
By Greg Dutter

The Great Wide Open
In a fashion landscape straying from a dominant silhouette, opportunity and uncertainty abounds as to what might fill the void.
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