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The July 2024 Issue of Footwear Plus

Sneaker Summer: Classic Silhouettes Sizzle | Running Tally: New Jersey Runners Sound Off on SHoes, Stores and More | Fit Test: Keeping Page with Propét CEO Brad Gebhard | Register Ringers: What’s Selling in Lake Placid and LA | Rubber Sole: The New York Kicks

Editor's Note

Groundhog Daze

It seems like the world is stuck. Entrenched. Frozen in fear, partisanship, anger, war, frustration, hate, high interest rates, stubborn inflation, distrust, and a host

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July 2024

Fit to Print

Over the past two years Brad Gebhard, CEO of Propét, has set a blistering pace for improvement that spans all facets of the organization. The goal: becoming a much fitter company.

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A Note to My Younger Self

Time Will Tell

Bruce Kaplan, chief revenue officer for Impo Intl., looks back on a series of life’s clichés that have helped guide him to happily ever after.

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The September 2024 Issue

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