Umbrellas on my mind…

Maybe it’s the rain deluging New York City lately; maybe it’s my feature for April/May on the best ways for retailers to sellrain gear. Whatever it is, I’ve been thinking about umbrellas. A lot. First, a confession: I love my umbrella. I onceditched my friends to rescue it from the restaurant where I left it languishingunder the table. It’s a navy blue MOMA umbrella, and seemingly indestructible(knock on its solid wooden handles!). But the best part is its lining, a canvasof bright blue sky and fluffy white clouds—the perfect antidote to a gloomyday. I never properly appreciated umbrellas until thisone. My previous rain preparation consisted of a last minute dash to the cornerstore for a $5 umbrella that would collapse at the first gust of wind. Now I understand why people pay top-dollar for high-quality designer umbrellas. What about you guys? What are your favorite umbrella and rain gearbrands?_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _AUDREY GOODSON associate editor, publications  :  9THREADSFootwear Plus & Earnshaw’s36 cooper square  :  4th floor  :  new york, ny 10003w. 646.278.1513  :  m. 706.255.6456  :  e. 

The February 2025 Issue

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