Nike, Togas and USC Run Together

Approximately 500 University of Southern California students donned red togas for a 0.9 mile run to kick off awareness of the second annual Nike+ Human Race—a worldwide, multi-city event (slated for Oct. 24) celebrating the sport of running by giving runners everywhere the opportunity to run together.

Approximately 500 University of Southern California students donned red togas for a 0.9 mile run to kick off awareness of the second annual Nike+ Human Race—a worldwide, multi-city event (slated for Oct. 24) celebrating the sport of running by giving runners everywhere the opportunity to run together.
    Nike-hosted Human Race events will be held in more than 24 cities from New York to Los Angeles, Buenos Aires to Rome. Through, every city and every road can become a race day course. By combining the virtual running world with the physical, the Nike+ Human Race is open to anyone, anywhere.
    USC will once again serve as official host of the Nike+ Human Race, which will involve a 5k or 10k run beginning at 12:01 a.m. and travel through the streets of Los Angeles, starting and finishing at the Los Angeles Coliseum. Race participants will earn a Nike DriFit race tee and entry and into the ultimate Nike pre-game tailgate for the USC-Oregon State football game scheduled for later that same day. In addition, $5 of the race registration fee will go toward USC coach Pete Carroll’s “A Better LA” charity.

The March 2025 Issue

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